J.A.A. Fernandes
Don Utram
Aiz hem pustok "Album Cantarancho Dusri Avruti 2006" uzvaddak kaddunk amkam vhodd sontos ani obhinam bhogta. Ami rauntav Konkani Bhas uloitole ani ti apli Maim-bhas mhunn manum ghetele hem pustok khoxalkaien vapuddtole mhunn.
"Xiumtim mogrim ghe rê tuka, Sukh ani sontos dhi rê maca."
Mr. André Xett handed over the copyright to this anthology of dulpods and mandos personally to me in our home village Chorão, Goa. His son Mr. André Tiburcio Fernandes confirmed it in writing on 30th April, 2003. We thank them both for handing over this aspect of Goan culture to posterity. I would be only too happy if these songs are sung and find world wide circulation. The translation of these songs is to be found in the links "Dulpod" and "Mando".
The plural of deknni in Konkani remains the same, that of dulpod is dulpodam and that of manddo is mandde. In English it is deknnis and dulpods in the plural, mando in the singular and mandos in the plural.
The mando is Goa´s message to a disturbed world in a hurry.
Editorial date: 11th October, 2006.
Dr. Lourenço de Noronha
Ungargasse 38/431
A-1030 Vienna
E-mail: noronha@gmx.at
José António André Fernandes
(André Xett)
Villa Lauriana, Bogtavaddo, Chorão, Goa 403 102, India
Album Cantarancho
A short biography of José António André Fernandes[1]
Written by
Romano Juliano Abreu
from Chorão, resident in
Satyawati Niwas, Bamburdem, Moira, Goa 403 514, India
José António André Fernandes was the ninth son of André Luis Fernandes and Lauriana Soares. He wrote the genealogy of his family and his autobiography on his 87th birthday in 1970 in Konkani and in Portuguese. His granduncle was working in the Portuguese mint. This Casa da Moeda de Goa was established in 1516. Hence he and the following generations received the name of Xett, a Konkani word for "goldsmith".
José António was born on 28th of April, 1884, in Boctavaddo, Chorão,[2] and died in the same village on 2nd December, 1980. He studied vocal music and violin in the school of St. Bartholomeu Church[3], Chorão, and attended the Portuguese Primary School up to Primeiro Grau in Escola Primaria in Chorão. He then attended an English-Medium School in Arpora, Goa, and continued his schooling at St. Xavier´s School in Bombay (now Mumbai). He worked in Cox & Co. Banking in Bombay for thirty Indian Rupees per month, and in 1910 he travelled by steamer to Mozambique, then Portuguese Africa, where he was given the status of a clerk in a bank in 1914. After retiring, he returned to his home village where he took an active part in the local cultural activities. He published four booklets with Konkani prayers and hymns in 1930, 1940, 1951, and 1954 and an Album Cantarancho in 1953 containing 104 mandos and 24 dulpods. He also handed over to posterity a manuscript dated 1971 with mandos.
First line of Dulpods and Mandos in alphabetical order
- 001. Ago Chedua
- 002. Ago Fulambai
- 003. Aguê Nari
- 004. Amim Bicari
- 005. Arrê Veller Rampon
- 006. Arso Dantonim Gueunum
- 007. Cecilia Mojem Naum
- 008. Chedua Go Chedua
- 009. Chicú Eôi, Eôi, Eôi
- 010. Daranto Champo
- 011. Deran and Unien
- 012. E´de Ratricho
- 013. Fa-rar Far Zatai Ranantum
- 014. Fugar Zata Cazra Vochuncheaco
- 015. Fulu Aum Jardinintulem
- 016. Fulola Fulancho Mollo
- 017. Ghoru Nam Daru Nam (No score)
- 018. Mataréa Mojea Pai
- 019. Mattari Xamãi Môji Corta Mod´di
- 020. Morgovam Tovoiaguer
- 021. Santaninchea Dongrar
- 022. Sassu Mãi Anim Sunum Mogan Choltalim
- 023. Undir Mojea Mama
- 024. Ai Dispidir Corunc Tuca Anjea
- 025. Angoun Amim Kelea
- 026. Anju Tum Arcanju
- 027. Aramita Mojem Naum
- 028. Aurora Sobina Mojem Naum
- 029. Bara Orsam Cobar Zalim
- 030. Bara Tera Orsam Zalim
- 031. Bara Tera Orsam Zalim
- 032. Baravem Sorun Teravem Laglem
- 033. Bhaguinto Bossun Aum Rhortalim
- 034. Bhett Amchi Zali Kolvean Kinarer
- 035. Bolandun Iscolacho Vellu
- 036. Bolcavantum Aum Bossotam (Boissotam)
- 037. Calzacho Gondo Aslolo
- 038. Calzache Mid´midmeamchea Perla
- 039. Cazarachem Utor maca Diunum
- 040. Cazracho Tempo Zalo Passaru
- 041. Chedvanchi Amizad Corcheac
- 042. Chinchoneachea Xarula Suka
- 043. Chintun Fuddar Deva Mojo
- 044. Chondrimã Porim Rupcar Go Tujo
- 045. Chondrimanchea Uzvaddari
- 046. Chounum Tuje Volvolle
- 047. Coração Mid´mideanchem
- 048. Curtorêantu Fulolam Fullu
- 049. Derrepento Taru Amcam Ailo
- 050. Dezembrachê Tisrê Torkêr
- 051. Dissu Cadle Amim Sukanum
- 052. Dogaim Bhountaleanv Moganum
- 053. Dônn Tin Muinem Zale
- 054. Donum (Donnum) Tinn Orsam Zallim
- 055. Donum (Donnum) Tinnum Orsam Zallim
- 056. Dorieachea Larari
- 057. Dove Rozericho Collo
- 058. E´co Aslo Fuim Mulat Ghaddi
- 059. Ek Diss Baguint Aum Guelolim
- 060. Ek Ozar Nôuxim 28er Orsa
- 061. Estrelo Fanteavelem
- 062. Forsan Adeus Tumcam Cortam
- 063. Garantulim Bair Aum Sorlim
- 064. Gupit Môg Burgeaponacho
- 065. Gupit Nirmoll Môg Amcho
- 066. Itle Ullas Galtam Tujeri
- 067. Janot Bountam Divadeantum
- 068. Jardinto Fulolam Fullu
- 069. Jasmin Porim Mujea Fulla
- 070. Kalliz Lobdun Sounsaracho
- 071. Keddinch Chintlem Nam Gô Monanto
- 072. Keddinch Chintlem Nam Rê Moga
- 073. Kitem Cor´n Fotoiloi Maca
- 074. Kitulo (Kitlo) Sundor Amcho Gaum (Ilha Divar)
- 075. Konum Rê Khobor – Kitem Rê Zata Xastichea Gavant
- 076. Kossole Zall Volvole
- 077. Luizinha, Mojea Luizinha
- 078. Maiachê 29-veri 1910
- 079. Maimguer Paiguer Aum Echlich Choli
- 080. Mainnechim Dongrar Aum Boisunu
- 081. Mamam Sangon Maka Dile
- 082. Midmiddeãnim Aum Rodtam
- 083. Môgu Aum Cortalim Rê Tujo (Tuzo)
- 084. Mojem Nãum Sattam Letrachem
- 085. Mottint Sopnanto Naslolem
- 086. Mojo (Mozo) Tempo Cobar Zatta
- 087. Neketranchea Uzvaddanum
- 088. Novo Tratu Mum Rê Amcho
- 089. Otregtalim Rê Sodanch Moga
- 090. Pai Mojo Kitulea Fortunãncho
- 091. Pôdvi Assa Rê Devacho
- 092. Pondraxim Ekechallissavea Orsant (Chodna / Chorão)
- 093. Pondraxim Ekechallissavea Orsant
- 094. Rat Diss Dukanim Aum Roddtam
- 095. Sangat Cortam Manca Tujo
- 096. Sangato Moga Tuzo
- 097. Sanquallê Paddunc Gueleari
- 098. Setembrachê Choudavê Ratri
- 099. Setembrachê Choudavê Torkeri
- 100. Setembrachê Ekivissa(v)êru
- 101. Setembracho Muinom Cobar Zait Ailo
- 102. Sôbit Bela Minha Formosa Distai …
- 103. Sôbit Bela Minha Formosa Kiteac …
- 104. Sôbit Kens Moje Manir Galtam
- 105. Sodanch Amguêr Tum Etalo
- 106. Soglea Sovnsara Bitori
- 107. Soglem Vido Mum Rê Mojem
- 108. Solavea Tea Xecddeant
- 109. Sontap Distat Teã Cazareãchê
- 110. Sontos Bogta Rê Jivaco
- 111. Sorgar Dipoutat Tim Neketram
- 112. Sorgar Uzvadd Neketrancho
- 113. Sõvnsar Chearuch Rê Dissancho
- 114. Sõvnsarant Novi Amizad
- 115. Sõvnsarant Rê Dekilem
- 116. Suria Moga Podlo
- 117. Suria Noketrancho Porim Porzolta
- 118. Tambde Rubim Tuje Pole
- 119. Tea Zolmanchea (Mojea) Mujea Dissa
- 120. Thoddo Tempo Zalo Passar
- 121. Toddea Tempach Amchea Moga
- 122. Toddoch Tempo Zalo
- 123. Tuca Dek(o)nam Fuddem Avem
- 124. Tuje Maman Sanglolem Maca
- 125. Tujea Mogaco Lagunum
- 126. Tujem Calliz Mojem Munum
- 127. Tum Moga Amguer Etalôitea Tempa
- 128. Tum Môji Eclich Mun Mogachi
- 129. Tum Veta Mun Viagic Moga
- 130. Ugddas Dotâm Dusrê Viazicho
- 131. Ugddas Eta Maca Natalamchê Ratricho
- 132. Utton Zago Zatrêch
- 133. Vinchun Cadilolea Suka
- 134. Vorsam Sabar Sarlea Uprant Pordesant
- 135. Xitol Choudrimanche Ratri
- 136. Zaitea Tempach Mojea Baé
- 137. Zaitea Tempach Amchea Moga
- 138. Zaitim Dukam Rê Goloilim
- 139. Zaito Tempo Bõuleão Mogan
- 140. Zaito Tempo Raulim Rê Aum
- 141. Zaito Tempo Zalo